Why Donate?
Raising a child includes countless moments of joy, but it is not news that it also comes with its fair share of challenges. Perhaps one of the greatest obstacle’s parents face these days is the high cost of childcare, which has increased significantly over the last few decades. According to ChildCare Aware of America, childcare shouldn’t cost more than 7% of a family’s income–yet the average US family pays significantly more than that, especially single parents. Studies among working families with children under age 5 that pay for child care show the average child care spending amounts are nearly 10 percent of the average families income.
Community Child Care Services, Inc. offers quality, affordable childcare that allows parents who want to work to stay in the labor force, encourages the healthy development of young children, and supports families at a stage in their lives during which small investments return large social dividends. In reality, most young children have working parents, making childcare integral to family life. Under the current policies, most parents must cover the full cost of childcare on their own, an expense that few can afford.
Community Child Care Services, Inc. offers tuition on a sliding scale, allowing families a more affordable option for quality, licensed childcare. While this tuition is lower than most childcare centers in the area, the expense for many families is still a hurdle towards self-sufficiency.
Your financial support is crucial in ensuring tuition rates remain affordable for all working families. Our mission is to provide affordable and accessible high-quality childcare while empowering families to reach their fullest potential.
ChildCare Aware of America, Community Child Care Services, Donate